Here you find divinely guided readings to assist you along your journey.

Twin Flame Union
Card Reading
Using Oracle card decks this Reading will show you where you and your Twin Flame are on your way to manifesting your Union, what your current block to Union is, and what is the best next step to move forward.
You will receive your Twin Flame Union Reading within 10 business days from the time of your purchase. The Reading will be sent to the email address given at the moment of your purchase.
This Reading is meant to provide you with a overall picture of the current status of your Twin Flame Union. ​All sales final. Non-refundable. All rights reserved.

Life Purpose
Card Reading
Using different oracle card decks, you can discover more about your Life Purpose, what is your current block to embracing it, and receive guidance on what the next best step is, when coming into, or following your purpose in life.
You will receive your Reading within 10 business days from the time of your purchase. The Reading will be sent to the email address given at the moment of your purchase.
This Reading is meant to provide you with a overall picture of the current status of your Life Purpose journey. All sales final. Non-refundable. All rights reserved.