#16 Consultation with Déborah (30 min.)
Español and English
Service Description
Are you ready to take the first step towards finding your Twin Flame? Schedule a 30-min consultation with Déborah. During this call, we’ll discuss your goals, explore our coaching process, and determine the best way to support you in your journey to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Cancellation Policy
Rescheduling and Cancellation terms: Upon rescheduling a coaching, do so with no less than 24 hours prior to your original appointment. If, you are more than 5 minutes late for your coaching session, your session will be forfeited. The 4 Coaching Package must be used within no more than 2 month after its purchase, otherwise the remaining coaching sessions will expire. The already paid package will not be refunded. The weekly coaching subscription can be cancelled at any time. The already paid month will not be refunded. Missed group coaching sessions and one-on-one coaching sessions will not be refunded or extended. ---- Español: Condiciones Límite de tolerancia: Consultas gratuitas: 3 minutos Consultass pagas, Sesiones de coaching individual o grupal: 5 minutos. Tras dicho lapso, la sesión/cosulta se dará por perdida sin posibilidad de re-agendar una nueva cita . Re-agendar una sesión de coaching individual o una consulta es posible sólo con un mínimo de 24 horas de antelación a su cita original. Si llega más de 5 minutos tarde a su sesión de coaching, perderá el derecho a la misma. El paquete de 4 sesiones de coaching individual debe utilizarse en un plazo no mayor a 2 meses desde su compra; de lo contrario, las sesiones de coaching restantes caducarán. El paquete ya pagado no se reembolsará. La suscripción al coaching semanal puede cancelarse en cualquier momento. No se reembolsará el mes ya abonado. Las sesiones de coaching en grupo y las sesiones de coaching individuales perdidas no se reembolsarán ni prorrogarán.
Contact Details